Thread: Camera Work
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Old 01-23-2015, 09:35 AM
watson watson is offline
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Default Camera Work

Louie, please improve the camera work. For example, when you go to the movies, you don't see the camera man constantly flipping the camera sideways when filming the stars; you don't see the camera man zooming in and out all the time and seeing the camera always panning up and down all the time. Also, you don't see jerky camera work when filming the stars from different angles. What you do see is smooth coherent camera work. You are fortunate to have some of the best looking transsexuals in the world to film, and in my opinion they should be filmed in a manner that compliments their looks as opposed to distracting from their looks.

Last edited by watson; 01-23-2015 at 09:41 AM.
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