Thread: Just a Reminder
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Old 07-27-2011, 01:17 PM
ast123 ast123 is offline
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Default Just a Reminder

Hey guys, once again I wanted to remind you that when you have a girl who can do the creu dance please have her do it for at least 4-5 seconds. In the watch the Bianca Petrovick video and you will see she puts her hands in knee and starts to creu dance but only for like half of 1 second then stops. Such a big round perfect ass and only hot half a second of it

If you guys notice a girl can creu dance please take full advantage of it because not many can. If they start doing it for just a second and then stop can you please ask them to do it just a few seconds longer that's all

You Guys have been doing a great job with the other vids like emilly weikert and Camilly Zanine those were really good but just wanted to give a reminder on this thanks guys don't worry I'm not upset or anything just pointing this out....
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