View Full Version : Louie just one more thing
01-22-2011, 08:13 AM
Hello Louie,
you know that i love this site and I thank you for bringing more ass shaking I really love it and thank you. I only have ONE more request..
When you guys have girls ass shaking, can you please let them take there clothes off first so they are naked while ass shaking? I would love to see more naked ass shaking like in the Lana Ferreira update. Thanks, im sure you will do this, and hopefully Khan too
I been seeing a lot of videos here of tgirls dancing with clothes, but then when they take all their clothes off they stop dancing and sit down to masturbate. However i think dancing is MORE sexy while NAKED
I dont mean to be rude but i think i have already asked this many many times guys are doing a great job with the hands on knees ass shaking its great if we can just please wait till they are NAKED to shake their ass it will be pERFECT! =]
Louie Damazo
01-22-2011, 01:29 PM
About it i need your feedback and i ll explain u why
In last times i got some complains about video camera, was more about be boring and not creative. I add it to fact i always ask him do EXACT what u always request me and u re always compaining about lack of it. It make me confused and i avoid answer u before understand all situation.
I was thinking: what da hell ??? Whats going on here? Why this guys ask about a thing that i m doing exact as he wants??? I checked and ...HUMMM, he wasnt doing that. It really piss me off and i replace him in same day.
New camera guys is MUCH better, u guys can see his work in Thayna & Anny Lee already BUT all new shoots ll be done for him and i INSISTED about it.
Here is where i need u more, in my instrutions i specific ask him ALWAYS. Lets see how he gonna do that
Another point is that i m shooting again. All Brazilian sites are NOT exact brazilian, they re SAO PAULO only because is in this city that have more trannies capable do XXX. Nobody is shooting outside Sao Paulo and i think its a shame because have great girls in other cities. Starting this month i m shooting in Rio de Janeiro also and lets see girls that other sites dont have. To start did some sets with gorgeous Fernanda Lohany and...i did she doing the CREU dance, please when i use it need your feedback. Camera guy here is REALLY new in business and i need teach him for be EXACT how u guys want to be
01-22-2011, 05:40 PM
Wow Louie,
This is why you are the BEST. I see you truly care about us customers. I will always be happy to give good feedback. There are some good videos on this site that are GReAT examples of what I'm talking about so you can actually see what I mean and not just read my post. When I get a chance I will list the really good ones on this site that have the naked ass shaking perfect.
Thanks again, happy to be a member for another year =]
Louie Damazo
01-22-2011, 06:09 PM
Think in last weeks, u ll see that i was answering every post here fast but noy yours. I imagine u re angry thinking that i dont care but i was just geting more infos. I was really confused , for 1 side i was sure that i was doing what u ask (Creu dance), for the other i was reading many posts yours complaining about lack of it. That really make me crazy, i checked all stuffs (brazilian transsexuals vids are compilated by Razor, not me) and i saw your point.
Add it with complains about other things as the fact video camera guy was doing a lasy job make me replace him . I saw here many of new hardcores new guy did and i just loved. Great movimentation and creative but is my opinion only. Would be great u guys give this feedback please
Thanks dudes
01-24-2011, 03:06 AM
yes, i noticed you guys weren't responding to me for awhile, now i see why..
Well, i may not have access to a computer in the next few weeks, so I will share some positive feedback and comments..
now if you would like to see a PERFECT example of the kind of ass shaking im talking about, take a look at this video of Alice that you posted. Look at how she is shaking it between the time of :42 seconds all the way to :47 seconds. That's PERFECT. Of course, when we record this with tgirls, we would like to see the girls NAKED with NO UNDERWEAR:cool::
Alice video: (Watch from :42 to :47) +%28Gaiola+das+Popozudas%29.html
Here is a good example on this site of a tgirl shaking it like that with NO UNDERWEAR. This video is VERY GOOD! Look at how Lana is shaking it in this video starting at 3:45 all the way to 3:50 in the video. This is very good because she is naked, she is squatting down with her hands on her knees, and also she is not holding her cock. It is GOOD when the girls DO NOT HOLD THEIR COCK while ass shaking, we like to see it swing around:D
Lana Ferreira Video: (Watch from 3:45 to 3:50)
Also, it's sometimes OK if the girl doesn't have her hands on her knees, but has them up against the wall while shaking it. this is OK AS LONG AS THE GIRL IS STILL SQUATTING DOWN AND SHAKING IT NAKED. For a good example of this, look at this Evelyn Rangel video how she shakes her ass from 3:33 to 3:37 in the video. this is GOOD because even though she does not have hands on knees, she still is squatting down and shaking it naked and NOT touching her cock. this is VERY GOOD:cool:
Evelyn Rangel Video: (Watch from 3:33 to :47)
As I mentioned always important to remember please WAIT for the girl to have NO UNDERWEAR when ass shaking.
I hope this little guide will help when you are talking to the new camera guys!
Louie Damazo
01-24-2011, 03:11 PM
Lets see how this new camera ll do that
01-25-2011, 04:36 PM
Yes hopefully he will listen because I been asking this since last year lol
The main thing to remember from that whole post is:
1. NO UNDERWEAR while ass shaking
2. NO HOLDING CoCK while ass shaking
3. BOTH HANDS ON KNEES, so girl is squatting down while ass shaking, having 2 hands on wall is OK sometimes too as long as they are squatting down like danca do creu dance
It's actually OK if a girl is wearing very short skirt or something just long as she is wearing no underwear and we can see her ass and cock while shaking it it will be GOOD
Louie Damazo
02-03-2011, 01:19 AM
Hey dude
Just did some ass shaking in Pamela Ferreira set, did u see that?
02-10-2011, 12:41 PM
Not yet I have not seen it I do not have my computer for awhile just my iPhone :( iPhone won't play wmv file I want to see it so bad!! I will let you know when I see it!
Louie Damazo
02-10-2011, 01:35 PM
I hope u like man, did thinking in you ;)
02-13-2011, 05:09 AM
Dude I just saw the Pamela Ferreira video!
AWESOME!!!! THATs what I been talkin about all this time!!!!! Great ass shaking, she was naked, squatting down, letting her cock swing around I just love it when they shake it wild like that GREaT JOB pleaseeeeeee have more like this!!!! So good! :)
The only feedback I would say Is the fernanda lohany as shaking wasn't that good she wasn't really squatting down and shaking it she kind just did it half way for a short second then stopped but Pamela Ferreira was GREAT!
Louie Damazo
02-13-2011, 01:40 PM
I m glad u liked but about Fernanda 1 thing that u need understand , actually this ll be for more girls too
Some girls just dont know to do it very well. I always get 2 or 3 shoots with models doing it and i use the best one BBBUUUTTT some just do it strange or not sexy
I ll insist in do this now that i m back shooting in Rio but not always ll be so erotic as Pamela did
02-13-2011, 04:30 PM
Yes I understand not all can do it. As long as you guys are making them at least try I am happy :)
Also one small small note is to remember to not have all footage too close while the girl is shaking it, it's good to have a close up shot but also let the camera come back a little so we can see their legs high heels etc while shaking it....the thais ribeiro video had some ass shaking that was good but the camera felt a little too close the whole time. Nothing wrong with close up but also pull the camera back a bit as well!
Also, please see if they can do hands on knees ass shaking FIRST, like danca do creu style, and then if they can't do that, having hands on bed or wall is fine, I like that too but really seeif they can do hands on knees first
These last few updates have been awesome I really see you guys making changes which is why I will always continue to renew my membership here!
Louie Damazo
02-13-2011, 05:29 PM
My guy in Rio is just a beginner as video cam, he is having a HUGE evolution in so short time. First shoot was with Fernanda Lohany that was ok but these last ones are becaming really good. In short time we gonna see much better stuff coming from Rio in video, u can trust
02-18-2011, 02:57 PM
Man I am so excited to see the beautiful rio tgirls!
If u would like to show the new guys what a good camera view for hands on knee ass shaking please tell them to check out this Domy vid..the one on the top right that says 9MB. She has a hands on knees ass shaking scene like in the middle of the video and the camera view is great
As I mentioned another good video is the Lana Ferreira video, the camera man does good job of using both close up and more far away camera angles for hands on knees ass shaking scene
Louie Damazo
02-18-2011, 04:44 PM
As i told u, i m starting with models with some experience but already got 1 compleatly new (Julia Borba) and have others coming too. In Rio is not so easy but i m insisting
02-18-2011, 04:53 PM
great job getting the top talent in rio to do some sets. I would like to see luma bolina and nicolly schimdt also.
Louie Damazo
02-18-2011, 06:31 PM
I ll try as many i can but some have NOT good behaviour then i just avoid
I am confident we ll have great new talents coming
02-22-2011, 04:58 PM
Man, I wasn't going to say this but I have to.
I really hope that "Khan" was the guy you replaced!
This guy makes me soooo mad!
He always has tgirls with big asses who KNOW how to do creu dance and he almost NEVER records them doing it naked.
Look at the new Samantha Ferraz video. She has one of the best asses I ever seen AND you can see she KNOWS how to do the creu dance, but does Kahn record her doing it naked? NO!
Why is this? What is his problem? Makes me sooo frustrated most times I dont even watch his videos he just piss me off all the time he almost NEVER does what is asked
Now fernanda lohany video is ok because she does not know how to dance that is OK I understand. But when u have someone like Samantha Ferraz and she knows how to dance why would you not just take 10 seconds to record her shaking it naked with hands on knees?
This Kahn guy really gets on my nerves I hope he is the one you fired. I will admit he did have some hands on knees shaking in the Jessica ketlen update but he normally never does this it's sooo annoying when he doesn't do it
I know you said you replaced some camera guy I hope it was him. I'm not sure because I keep seeing videos that say it's recorded by "Kahn"
02-22-2011, 05:44 PM
And just to add, I know not all girls can do that dance, i am NOT mad about that, I AM MAD about the fact that some girls DO know how to but the camera guy does not ask them to do it like in the newest Samantha Ferraz video.
If you guys ever record her again can we please ask her to do this u can see she knows how to do creu dance but Kahn did not ask her to do it when she was naked which piss me off man such a simple request
Louie Damazo
02-23-2011, 12:57 AM
And just to add, I know not all girls can do that dance, i am NOT mad about that, I AM MAD about the fact that some girls DO know how to but the camera guy does not ask them to do it like in the newest Samantha Ferraz video.
If you guys ever record her again can we please ask her to do this u can see she knows how to do creu dance but Kahn did not ask her to do it when she was naked which piss me off man such a simple request
Some models dont like and some try and do it so ridiculous that i avoid use
I was shooting in same day that i m posting this answer and i did CREU DANCE with 1 model and i heat it, was patetic. Not her fault, some girls just dont know do it sexy but i m keeping atention about do always is possible
02-23-2011, 05:50 PM
Yes I already understand some girls cant do it that's not why I was upset...
I get upset because in some videos, like Samantha ferraZ last video and Kelly Marcone, the girl IS ass shaking good with clothes ON, but then when they take OFF underwear Kahn does not ask them to shake it again naked. They take clothes off then just jackoff no naked ass shaking and they Know how to do it! :( Thats what i was talking about.
So these are the girls who already show they CAN do this type of dance with clothes on, this also happened in one of the Amanda Bergman videos. She WAS ASS SHAKinG with hands on knees with clothes ON, but when she took clothes OFF camera guy KHAN did Not ask her to shake it while naked. He just let her sit down and start to jackoff
So I am not talking about girls who don't know how to do it, I'm talking about ones who show they CAN already like in Samantha Ferraz video she was shaking it already with clothes on but then when she got naked no one asked her to shake it while naked that's what I mean
02-24-2011, 03:48 PM
I will help you guys out. Here is a list of tgirls who I kNOW they can do it. If you ever film these girls again please have them do it naked and not holding their cock, both hands on knees.
I have seen them do it before....if u guys ever film these girls again please be sure to do it with them I will add more if I remember...
Shayenne Lima
Adriana Rodriguez
Cybelly Calmon
Erika Bittencourt
Evelyn Rangel
Mariana Fenix(Phoenix) she is okay at it not best but still ok
Talia Houston(I hear she is troublemaker though)
Kelly Marcone
Suzy Valenca(I know we don't know where she is now bit if u ever see her again)
Paula Melo
Paty Colt
Alexia Ferreire
Michelley Araujo
Jessica Ninfeta
Jo Garcia
Laisa Lins
Amanda Bergman
Samantha Ferraz
Louie Damazo
02-24-2011, 05:42 PM
I m doing some shoots in same day i m doing this post and did a specific rrequest for this
Lets see how it ll be
02-24-2011, 09:34 PM
I m doing some shoots in same day i m doing this post and did a specific rrequest for this
Lets see how it ll be
Thanks man I know always bring this stuff up like everyday but only because I know you listen to us not many websites really listen to customers I really appreciate it. That's why I always make sure to keep my membership here
Sometimes I ask a lot of things but I do see you guys have gotten better and better over time and I'm sure things will get even better.
But one person I wanted to point out is out of all those people is Kelly Marcone she is AMAZING hands on knees ass shaker pleaseif u record her be SURe to get naked ass shaking she is GREAT!
03-07-2011, 03:42 PM
Really sad that Domy had surgery, she was one of my favorite dancers. Hopefully Alice D'Castro will reply back to you guys soon. She knows how to do it perfect and she has amazing body
Louie Damazo
03-07-2011, 04:29 PM
Just did 2 models (Tatty Torre and Nicolly Schimit) and not good Ass shaking
As i told, not all can do it so perfect but i dont forget your request
03-08-2011, 07:40 AM
if they cannot do creu, can you please just ask them to put both hands on knees and shake their ass as best as they can that would be great
I would like that they do creu BUT looks like many cannot do it but even if they can't maybe they can at least just put their hands on their knees and shake it a little bit, even if it is not amazing or good as Pamela ferriera still I would still like to see it!
I think it's Better to have some kind of ass shaking/dancing than nothing at all, even if it's not perfect!
03-11-2011, 11:44 PM
Thanks to the guy in the other thread I remembered Erika Baxter knows how to do the hands on knees ass shake to. So ALL the tgirls on this list know how to do it also. Please if u film any of these people please get naked hands on knees ass shaking, these girls have already shown they can do it:
Shayenne Lima
Adriana Rodriguez
Cybelly Calmon
Erika Bittencourt
Evelyn Rangel
Mariana Fenix(Phoenix) she is okay at it not best but still ok
Talia Houston(I hear she is troublemaker though)
Kelly Marcone
Suzy Valenca(I know we don't know where she is now bit if u ever see her again)
Paula Melo
Paty Colt
Alexia Ferreire
Michelley Araujo
Jessica Ninfeta
Jo Garcia
Laisa Lins
Amanda Bergman
Samantha Ferraz
03-12-2011, 04:52 AM
Cybelli Calmon is super hot. I would love to see her ass do ANYTHING.
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